Who is at risk?

Scientists estimate that about one in ten people have warts or verrucas at any one time and that one in four of us has at least one wart or verruca at some point in our lives. Warts and verrucas are the most common skin complaint after acne.

Although we're all exposed to HPV, some people seem to be more susceptible to it, while others are naturally resistant. Warts and verrucas can appear more often if the body's immune/defence system is weak. Children and teenagers are particularly likely to be affected, as they have not (yet) built up antibodies to the virus and have more frequent contact with other wart and verruca carriers. 53% of people with warts or verrucas are aged between 5 and 19. People taking steroid tablets, or who have conditions that suppress the immune system such as HIV infection, are also more likely to suffer.

More warts and verrucas occur during the summer, due to increased contact during activities such as swimming and other sports.


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