White coloration of the skin: as soon as you press the foam applicator onto the problem area, the skin turns white. This discoloration quickly decreases as soon as the foam applicator is removed.
The appearance of a blister: this blister will disappear as soon as the wart or verruca falls off the skin. New skin will already have formed under the blister.
Discomfort during use: a stinging sensation may occur when the foam applicator is pressed onto the skin. This stinging sensation quickly fades once the foam applicator is removed.
Local tissue death: this will only occur during deep freezing of the skin. Therefore, never hold the foam applicator on a wart for more than 20 seconds (40 seconds for verrucas)
Scars and nerve damage: this will only occur from careless use caused by not following the instructions on the information leaflet. Never hold the foam applicator on the wart for more than 20 seconds (40 seconds for verrucas) to ensure that there is no deep freezing and therefore no damage.