Is the gas mixture (DMEP) used as effective as liquid nitrogen used by the doctor?

Wartner Cryotherapy is based on the liquid nitrogen method of cryotherapy, which is used by doctors. Clinical studies have proved that Wartner Cryotherapy is as effective as liquid nitrogen.

A clinical study to compare efficacy, tolerance and safety of 2 types of cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen (LN) and dimethylether/propane (DMEP) was performed by family physicians for warts on 124 patients (174 warts). Design of the study: randomized, multi-centered, controlled clinical trial with single blind assessment. Conclusions: The results show that both cryogenic agents were >90% effective. Liquid Nitrogen has a temperature of -196ºC, whilst DMEP is -57ºC and therefore much less likely to cause deep tissue damage.

Dermatologists confirm Wartner Cryotherapy’s effectiveness: “the efficacy of Wartner Cryotherapy freezing fluid is as effective as commonly used liquid nitrogen (= doctor’s method). In case of thick callosity we remove the callosity by scraping in a gentle way and apply Wartner Cryotherapy freezing liquid effectively” Dr I H Boersma – Dermatologist – Albert Schweizer Hospital – Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands.

“The effectiveness of Wartner Cryotherapy is comparable to that of the classic technique (Liquid Nitrogen = doctor’s method) in every respect, and the freezing effect it has is similar to that obtained by Liquid Nitrogen, perhaps a little slower (20″ application instead of 3″ application), which I think is safer and less painful” Dr J M Gray – Dermatologist – Paris, France

When should Wartner Cryotherapy not be used?

Wartner Cryotherapy may not be used for:
  • removing warts on the face or the genitals;
  • skin conditions with signs of inflammation;
  • dark moles, dark-colored, hairy or otherwise unusual looking skin conditions which resemble warts;
  • warts on children under the age of four.

Is Wartner Cryotherapy safe to use?

Yes, Wartner Cryotherapy is safe to use if you follow the instructions carefully; however we do not advise use on children under the age of four. CE Marked and classified as a Class II A Medical Device, which conforms to European guidelines (Council Directive 93/42/EEC) Wartner Cryotherapy has been assessed by several scientific and medical experts as being a safe method for the removal of warts and verrucas: “Wartner Cryotherapy meets all lawful requirements which serve to guarantee consumer safety”. Mr J Sleumer – Laboratory Manager Eurofill – Zaandam, The Netherlands Dermatologists confirm Wartner Cryotherapy’s safety: “The effectiveness of Wartner Cryotherapy is comparable to that of the classic technique (Liquid Nitrogen = doctor’s method) in every respect, and the freezing effect it has is similar to that obtained by Liquid Nitrogen, perhaps a little slower (20″ application instead of 3″ application), which I think is safer and less painfull” Dr J M Gray – Dermatologist – Paris, France “The expert opinion is that Wartner Cryotherapy freezing liquid can be applied by patients themselves, and therefore sold to the public freely” Dr I H Boersma – Dermatologist – Albert Schweizer Hospital – Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands

Will using Wartner Cryotherapy hurt?

Freezing the skin may lead to a slight aching, stinging sensation that may cause some discomfort. This will pass quickly, leaving a small blister under the treated area.

How to apply Wartner Cryotherapy?

Hold the blue end of the foam applicator between the thumb and index finger and squeeze until a small opening appears. Slide the opening of the foam applicator onto the stick of the applicator holder until the stick is no longer visible.
Hold the aerosol can in an upright position, away from your body and from incandescent flame, heat, direct sunlight and any electrical sources. Place the applicator holder with the foam applicator in the opening on the top of the aerosol can so that the foam applicator is no longer visible. Holding the aerosol can with one hand at the bottom, firmly press down the applicator holder with the other hand for 3 seconds (count from 21 to 23). You will hear a hissing sound whilst pressing. Remove the applicator holder with the foam applicator from the valve. The foam applicator is saturated with cold liquid and condensation will form.  This condensation is harmless.
After saturation of the foam applicator, wait for 20 sec before topical application in order to further reduce application temperature and thus ensuring a better efficacy of Wartner.
After the 20 seconds waiting time, push the applicator holder with the foam applicator lightly on the wart.
  • For Warts: use the applicator for 20 seconds
  • For Verrucas: use the applicator for 40 seconds
Ensure constant contact with the area to be treated. The foam applicator should be applied to the area for the required treatment time.  A slight aching, stinging sensation will occur as a result of freezing.  After treating the wart, wait 2 minutes before using a tissue to remove the foam applicator from the holder. Discard the foam applicator after single use. Do not reuse the foam applicator or touch the tip of the foam applicator with bare hands to ensure that you don’t re-infect the skin with the wart virus.

2 ADDITIONAL STEPS FOR VERRUCAS for optimal preparation and after treatment

PRIOR TO THE TREATMENT First, soak the foot in warm water for 5 minutes and afterwards rub the callous with the file to expose the verruca. STEP 1-4
See above. Same as for the removal of warts
After applying for 40 seconds, you could experience some discomfort when pressure or friction occurs on the treated area. You may find it helpful to protect the sensitive area with a comfort plaster which is widely available for purchase. Comfort pads not included.

How does Wartner Cryotherapy work?

Wartner Cryotherapy works in a similar way to the liquid nitrogen freezing method used by GPs. The freezing agent is applied to the foam applicator; you then freeze the wart or verruca by applying the saturated foam applicator for a few seconds. As a result of this freezing, the growth should fall off after about 10-14 days. Wartner Cryotherapy is not harmful to the environment.

What components make up the Wartner Cryotherapy treatment?

Wartner Cryotherapy Wart Remover contains an aerosol can with a mixture of dimethyl ether and propane, an applicator holder and foam applicators; it contains a file to remove calloused skin on top of the verruca prior to the treatment.